Tarot & Vastu
P. Khurrana is a columnist and author of 34 books on Astrology, Numerology, Tarot & Vastu. He is personal consultant to many VVIP’s & Big business tycoons of the world. Available at Delhi, Mumbai & Chandigarh:- Mobile No: 9914699900, 9810349900 or visit
The pace is very quick. You will be pulled
in many directions at once and will tend
to scatter your forces, jumping from one
thing to the next. Positively, you may
come up with some fresh, original plan
or insight that may seem crazy at first,
but which is likely to be quite useful.
Students will do well and they may be
more on the romantic side.
Lucky days: Wednesday and Friday
Lucky dates: 4, 11, 23
You will be able to catch up with pending
work. Don't panic if you are forced
to take on a job or responsibility that
requires an artistic touch. Starting a
regular fitness activity with a friend is a
wise way to make sure you keep on track.
Take care of health and avoid stress.
ideals at the forefront when making any
major decisions.
Lucky days: Tuesday and Sunday
Lucky dates: 10, 19, 27

Find creative and artistic talents at the
precise moment you are needed. Its a
month for following your instincts and
not worrying about the opinions of
others. Your partner is annoyed? Please
give time to patch up. Give your mystical
and spiritual aspirations a bit of extra
space. In love ? a few pleasant surprises
await you. The events that take place now
are guaranteed to bring results.
afraid of confronting destructive people.
Lucky days: Thursday and Saturday
Lucky dates: 6, 17, 21
If you don’t feel like socializing; stay
home. Be patient, show tolerance and
look for the good in people who rub you
the wrong way. Business and romance may
merge in an intriguing manner. Women;
check your waist line. Consider the fact
your own mood and reactions are coloring
your judgement. Give someone the benefit
of the doubt. Avoid being double faced in
any area of life.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Check your
diet and try your hand at gym.
Lucky days: Monday and Friday
Lucky dates: 2, 15, 24
LEO Beware of deception. Reading & research will pay off. Business trips might prove productive. No matter how inflexible those around you are, you will have the stamina, emotionally and physically to cope. Take one step at a time to climb the ladder of success rather than rush into new opportunities. An elder person in the family may be in a generous mood to contribute and take over a major share of the financial responsibility. TIP OF THE MONTH: Students need to pay more attention to studies. Lucky days: Saturday and Monday Lucky dates: 7, 12, 30
VIRGO A loved one is in a generous mood and is likely to splash out on entertainment. Try not to say wrong thing at a wrong time. Truly busy months in terms of both mental & physical activity. Ties and bonds will entangle you. Stay away from casual flirtations as they will lead to difficulties. TIP OF THE MONTH: Be firm about making a positive change. Lucky days: Tuesday and Saturday Lucky dates: 3, 16, 27

LIBRA Do not get tangled with an idea and superficially attractive person. An unexpected entertainment expense could put a crimp in your plans. Look at the gains not the losses. A family disagreement could leave you wondering which bandwagon to jump on. The best option is to ride away on your own, at least until the worst of it blows over. You may be agitated and prone to losing your temper. Pay attention to health issues after 15th. TIP OF THE MONTH: Listen to your inner voice. Lucky days: Monday and Thursday Lucky dates: 5, 13, 29
SCORPIO Meeting people can benefit your career. Now is the time to act. Students, the time is right for you to concentrate on your studies. A love relationship could be improving with a better foundation. Take advantage of all opportunities to socialize with the people. Don’t make promises you cannot keep in. Stay away from strangers. TIP OF THE MONTH: Stop thinking about yourself and see what you can do for others. Lucky days: Tuesday and Saturday Lucky dates: 8, 14, 26
SAGITTARIUS You may be publicly embarrassed or
feel uncomfortably exposed. There can
be an uneasy balance between family
responsibilities or emotional considerations.
You can bank upon your soul mate is the
theme of the moment. A need for support,
sympathetic understanding, and sharing
on an intimate, personal level is accented
in mid month. Beware of an explosive
outburst of anger as you may be hiding a
deep feeling of frustration.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Meditate and get
in touch with inner silence.
Lucky days: Thursday and Friday
Lucky dates: 3, 20, 28
It is a high energy time for you with
emphasis on very practical matters rather
than social ones. You concentrate on
getting various jobs done now that the
holidays are over. Plans can change at the
last moment. Be willing to be flexible when
events don’t turn out as expected, rather
than rush into new opportunities. A gift or
a relative may come from out of town to
give you surprise.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Do not expect
too much from others.
Lucky days: Wednesday and Sunday
Lucky dates: 1, 18, 21
AQUARIUS Like you are dreamy, poetic, tranquil and
imaginative in loving relationships. But
you tend to ignore emotional and spiritual
aspects, as you are busy and involved with
work. You’ll be looking for romance in all
the fun places. You have ample time to deal
with work. Your boss will be helpful to you.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Be articulate to
prevent people from making their own
Lucky days: Sunday and Monday
Lucky dates: 7, 11, 25
Your speech may be good and also you
may be able to convince people very fast.
Artistic and creative pastimes are elevating.
A water sign comes closer to you. Health
needs watching. Work wise you may have
more hurdles and challenges. Your family
may give you happiness and strength.
TIP OF THE MONTH: Don’t waste an
opportunity by not exploiting a contact
even if it is from your past.
Lucky days: Saturday and Tuesday
Lucky dates: 6, 15, 23