

P. Khurrana is a columnist and author of 34 books on Astrology, Numerology, Tarot & Vastu. He is personal consultant to many VVIP’s & Big business tycoons of the world. Available at Delhi, Mumbai & Chandigarh:- Mobile No: 9914699900, 9810349900 or visit

ARIES Your relationships undergo a wonderful regeneration too. There can be a little celebration at home. Letting go of old attitudes and assumptions will bring you emotional tranquility. Do not take an impulsive decision. Youngsters will lead a hectic social life. People play games of doublespeak without the intention to honour commitments, so prepare to go it alone. Lucky days: Monday & Wednesday Lucky dates: 2, 5, 8, 17, 26

TAURUS Bring up the sensitive issues. Love comes your way and that puts you on a path which will change your lifestyle quite dramatically. In order to follow your hopes. Approach colleagues and ask them to take on a fair share of the load, rather than waiting till you feel resentful. Shopkeepers may encounter an unruly customer. You gain by being practical, do not be emotional. Lucky days: Friday & Saturday Lucky dates: 6, 8, 9, 10, 22, 31

GEMINI It’s time to let go of a negative relationship. An excellent period for money-matters and it could also come out of the blue. This boon will allow you to take time out for yourself and explore wider work horizons. Niggling doubts in your mind can be removed and minor ailments can be healed through yoga. You may have to treat people with a lot of charity even though they wronged you in the past. Keep your eye on the future as you do so. Lucky days: Wednesday & Thursday Lucky dates: 5, 9, 12, 13, 16, 22

CANCER There will be an attainment of greater depth in a special relationship. It will lead to prosperity and contentment. You will be wise to approach an expert in the financial field in order to maximize your financial advancement. Try to increase your knowledge in new areas. Take responsibility for your own actions; finding a scapegoat will be counter-productive. Lucky days: Monday & Friday Lucky dates: 2, 6, 20, 21, 30

LEO Those troubles and setbacks that manifest in your career are temporary. Your heartfelt hopes are soon to be realised. Your canny management will serve you well. Money problem is likely to be to the fore. You feel released when you flap your wings in the vast sky of space and freedom. Excellent time for starting a correspondence course. Use your resources to find solutions and do not be afraid of spending money. Lucky days: Sunday & Monday Lucky dates:1, 10, 11, 22, 23, 25

VIRGO Pack up your all cares & woes and have a good time. Influential people can be contacted without too much trouble. When working alone you will fare best. The good news is that your family life will improve immeasurably. There’s neither great gain nor loss as a result of this, but it will free you of anxieties over financial providence. Be strong, as you have nothing to lose. Lucky days: Wednesday & Friday Lucky dates: 7, 16, 18, 19, 25

LIBRA “Children will be source of joy and pride. Arguments at home are likely to erupt. Career women will be in the lime light. Don’t be over anxious and hurried when making important decisions. Be a little more tactful and considerate. Outstanding are lost in delays rather than red tape but manage to throw your business plans into a tizzy. Indigestion and liver upsets warrant a lighter diet. Lucky days: Friday & Saturday Lucky dates: 6, 8, 15, 17, 25, 26

SCORPIO You may wish to break the routine. A female co-worker could be jealous of your achievements. Refuse any new assignments. Loved ones are unlikely to make special demand upon you. You realize the pitfalls of contracts made in haste. Delays and tiresome experiences take the fun out of an important trip. Beware of becoming too practical or domesticated. Lucky days: Tuesday & Thursday Lucky dates: 9, 12, 17, 18, 21, 30

SAGITTARIUS Don’t overlook physician’s advice. Be careful while signing agreements. Family members may require your assistance. Not a month for new relationship. Romance goes through a strange oddity of behavior with reactions you deem perverse. Work brings you new admirers, a position of honour that involves motivation and public speaking. Lucky days: Thursday & Friday Lucky dates:3, 6, 12, 17, 26, 27

CAPRICORN Find ways to express your creativity and emotions. Clashing with important people puts you in an awkward position. Women press the panic button for health and fitness especially beauty treatment that are likely to cause more damage than good. Employment activities are lucrative. Focus on meditation, health. Finally; you take responsibility and let go expectations of yours and others. Lucky days: Saturday & Sunday Lucky dates: 3, 8, 10, 13, 24, 25

AQUARIUS An invitation to a party could bring an encounter with romance. A long cherished dream may come true. Do not lend cash to anyone. Cine / theatre artists will have little difficulty gaining the right sort of publicity. Beach of safety comes with simple errors, like forgetting to lock or befriending strangers in a hurry. Chronic allergies are bothersome. Lucky days: Friday & Sunday Lucky dates: 3, 6, 10, 18, 27, 29

PISCES In spite of sacrificing an unpalatable source of income, you’ll find that you survive very well. Look for signs and synchronizations around you with your spiritual eye and you’ll be guided at each juncture toward that greater good which is opening for you. You can plan a profitable business venture. Depression? Speak your mind to your close friend. Lucky days: Thursday & Friday Lucky dates: 3, 6, 15, 24, 25, 28