We love when glamour and technology come together. Celebrities now-a –days love the combination of two. Getting all the fan following digitally and maintaining the status comes handy. Our cover girl ‘Alankrita Sahai’ feels that technology has proved to be a boon, not only to one but to all. Let’s get into the insights:

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work? I am filled with love and gratitude and people say I’m funny too. I put all that I have in my work and relationships. I do things for people without them even needing to ask and I do take care of people around me, so I am caring too. Although I come across as an arrogant person, it’s just a protective layer. I can manage everything and anything given to me. I do get stressed easily but I am extremely well organised and disciplined. I’m emotional and extremely empathetic. I am religious and spiritual too. I am the sunshine and the hurricane from the quotes you read. I love to help people and bring joy into their lives. I love dancing under the moonlight and riding my horse on a sunny day. I enjoy festivals and birthdays like a child. I love people and places but I don’t attach myself to just one thing.

Well besides being an actor i am an entrepreneur and an interior consultant. Im starting my own studio which will help women and men in transforming themselves. Im an overachiever and im competitive and i clap for others when they win too. I work all day long and seldom take any breaks. Im absolutely engaged in womens safety andeducation. I love to travel and meet new people so i can learn new things. How are you connected with technology in your day to day life? Well, we live in a technologically savvy world and i am well-connected and at times i tend to disconnect. I love to take breaks from my phone and social media, i keep most of my gadgets at bay when im relaxing. But i am connected as much as you can imagine from an air purifier to a water purifier to my laptop ipads, pods, watches, to my skin care and hair care we all are technically technologically transforming. Technology has become an inclusive part of our lives. Most of the things we touch today are modified. How tech savvy are you? M not that tech savvy but i dont mind having some crazy cool gadgets just for fun. I am someone who knows how to work around her laptop and pc but doesnt know how to work on lightroom or photoshop. Beat that. How has technology changed your life?

Honestly, it has made things easy and fast. We are all social animals connected through distance and time. It changed my life because medically speaking i had a major ankle injury, a 3rd degree tear to be precise but with the right equipment and methods and guidance i healed in no time and now im riding horses again and doing action sequences. So yes it has helped us but also i feel we all are getting addicted too. We are becoming too dependent on things than relying on ourselves to even remember a phone number.

What is your take on this debate around Web Series on OTT platforms and films in Cinema Halls? I believe talent will always find a way to showcase itself and opportunities will always come to those who are looking and working hard for them. For me OTT platforms have carved a niche for themselves and are bringing forth new talent and new people who probably wouldn’t have had an opportunity to even portray themselves in a film being released in the cinemas. The disparity we have persists but we have more opportunities now because of these widespread platforms and the content is also brilliant. The idea is cinema or film making should be looked at with grace and represented as a place for all. If you have talent and dedication you are most welcome to be a part of our family

Tell us something about the horse show? My team and I are organising an event which is one of a kind in Chandigarh called the Chandigarh Horse Show at The Ranch. I believe an increasingly digital, modern lifestyle is creating a hunger for authentic and relatable interactions that connect us to others like us. CHS, Chandigarh Horse Show, besides being a great fun filled, elevating enthralling entertaining Event for the very young, the youth and in fact all age groups, in its own unique special way is building community, infusing everyone, all and sundry with the much needed sunny positive vibes in this post corona lockdown period of near gloom. We're social animals and the burgeoning E-commerce has connected us to the entire world transactionally, but not socially, which has left an unfulfilled need. CHS in its most unique way is stepping in to provide an immediate, authentic and thrilling platform to fulfill that primal need & enabling the most beautiful city of India, Chandigarh and its beautiful people to become part of something bigger and to have an impact together & feel good. It’s called a Carnival for Champions. Punjab has a rich heritage and horse riding has been part of our culture, many wars have been won on the back of a horse too. I want our people to come together to understand the beauty

and the friendship of a horse. They are majestic yet so simple. We have a lot of attractions as well during the Championship which is taking place on the other side of the arena. We have exhibitors, food stalls, massages, free horseback riding, music and many other fun filled things planned for our guests. The Ranch offers great stable services and a peaceful escape from your hectic life. Do join us in elevating horsemanship on 29th, 30th and 31st October. Tell us about how you started with the idea? What all efforts you put in for this event? We all ride together or know of each other through various social mediums. And all of us had an idea and different ideas. Myself and a team of seven consist of the core team, namely: Dilpreet, Amanant, Gursher, Duke, Harjinder, Mehtab, Aashna & Sarbuland. We all just decided to do something for the city that had never been done before and to build our riding community and engage people in the tri city and bring smiles to their faces and make their heart skip a beat. It’s all sweat equity, teamwork and having a common goal. These are the reasons we have been able to curate this event on such a massive scale. What technologies can be used in horse riding? Yes, there are many things like manage the pasture and feed, riders SOS app where in case you fall or stop or have an injury during a hack it sends an alert to the prearranged person, equilab helps in tracking your progress and patterns, EquiSense helps in letting you about the asymmetry, jump trajectory cadence, stride length and a lot more. So we have a lot of new things that help make our equestrian life better and keep a watch on our horses too. What are the 3 technologies that you can't live without? • Phone • Skin care tech • Watches How do you unwind? A warm salt water bath, music, being around my loved ones which also includes my horse, Porus. Meditation or journaling also helps.